​Office Manager Hours-Monday & Thursday- Friday 8:30 am- 12:00 pm. (September 15-21
Hearing Assist Devices- The church has several hearing assist devices available to use on Sunday mornings. If you are having difficulty hearing in the sanctuary, please inquire about using one. They will be kept in baskets at the back of the lower sanctuary. See Rod Dood for instructions on how to use them. They are fairly simple. When you are finished using them, please turn them off to conserve the batteries and place them back in the baskets. We will keep track of who uses which devices to make sure you get the same ear piece each week.​
Road Rally- Community Christian Women presents “Road Rally 2024” on September 17, 6:00 pm- 8:30 pm. Meet at the Windsor Center and carpool to the next checkpoint. You will receive clues at each checkpoint to proceed. The last checkpoint we’ll enjoy fellowship and refreshments before heading back to the Windsor Center. You MUST RSVP to Carla (906)290-2882 or Sylvia (906)284-3747.
Confirmation- Classes resume September 18 at 3:30 pm in the conference room.
​​Gathering In Grace-This midweek opportunity to fellowship and grow spiritually will resume September 18 beginning with dinner at 5:00 pm with a study to follow. Adults will be studying “ The After Party”, a 6 week video course designed to provide a biblical based approach to navigate today's challenging political environment. This course is both inspiring and practical and will help you reorient your heart and mind towards a Christ-centered political identity for 2024 and beyond. Youth group and children classes will be available for all ages. Nursery will also be available..
Cooks/Servers Needed- With Gathering In Grace resuming we are looking for volunteers to sign up for cooking, servings and cleaning up for these dinners on Wednesday evenings this fall/winter. Please contact the church office at or 906-265-9951 to sign up.
Mending the Soul- Meets September 18 at 6:30 pm through the month of September.
GCC Council Meeting- Meets September 19 at 6:00 pm.​
Silent Directed Retreat- Step away from your busy life and enjoy a guided weekend of silence, spiritual renewal, rest, and listening to the voice of God. Our guest speaker and facilitator is Rev. Terry Cathcart, a seasoned pastor, spiritual director, and silent retreat leader. Located at Covenant Point Bible Camp, the options are listed below:
2-Night Option A: Friday, Sept 20 (4pm) – Sunday, Sept 22 (1pm)
2-Night Option B: Sunday, Sept 22 (4pm) – Tuesday, Sept 24 (1pm)
4-Night Option: Friday, Sept 20 (4pm) – Tuesday, Sept 24 (1pm)
To Register online visit 2024 Silent Directed Retreat Covenant Point Bible Camp
​Three Threads- Meets September 7 at 11:00 am.
Friendship Club- Meets September 21 at 6:30 pm.
See you at the Pole- Wednesday, September 25 is “National See you at the Pole” Day.
See You at the Pole™ is a time of prayer on the fourth Wednesday of September every year when students meet at their school flagpole, before school, to lift up their friends, families, teachers, school, and nation to God. It is student-initiated, student-organized, and student-led, however, all are welcome to join and support our youth and community through prayer on this day.
Women’s Fall Retreat- Women of all ages: September 27-29, come for a weekend of fun, fellowship, meaningful conversation, and worship! The Women’s Retreat is a beautiful time of year at camp, often highlighted by the peak of the fall colors. Invite your friends to camp for the excellent food, good time, and life-giving worship and messages! Check-in begins at 4:00 pm on Friday, with our first gathering for dinner at 5:30 pm. To Register online » 2024 Women’s Retreat Covenant Point Bible Camp – Christian camp for all ages in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan
Men’s Monday Night- Come join us for dinner, sharing and prayer October 7 at 6:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall.
Mission Bible Training Center Graduation Banquet- October 12 at 5:30 pm GCC will be hosting this annual banquet in the Fellowship Hall. Join us as we celebrate these new lives in Jesus Christ! Dinner, Praise and Worship, Message from our Executive Director and Certificate Presentation. There is a $14 Donation suggestion. For more information you can call 906-265-6247.
Widows & Widowers- Meets October 13 at 11:30 am.
Family Fall Hike- October 13 following the worship service. Lunch will be provided so please RSVP to Christy Makuck at 906-367-1544 for a head count.
Junior High Fall Retreat- “Reading a Bible that NEVER goes out of style” is the theme for the weekend of October 11-14, at Covenant Point Bible Camp. The junior high is invited for a weekend of fun and adventure with the youth group! There are plenty of fun options like the high ropes course, an Island excursion, apple pressing, games, bonfire, and enthusiastic worship. 2024 Junior High Fall Retreat (Grades 6/7/8) Covenant Point Bible Camp
​Congregational Business Meeting- Save the date! Please join us on November 3 following the worship service in the sanctuary.
Feeding America Food Distribution- The next food distribution will be November 13 at 1 pm.
Thanksgiving Service & Pie Social- Mark your calendars! November 24 at 6:00 pm.
Christian Radio- WRVM Christian Radio is available 24/7 in Iron River and surrounding areas at 95.3 or 90.7. There is also a free WRVM app to download to your phone so you can listen when you're out of radio range. If you want some uplifting Christian music and teaching, it's a great source!!!
Delivering Meals- Please contact Kathy Campain if you can help bring meals to homebound members and friends of GCC.
Transportation- There are several members of our church that need rides getting to the store, doctor appointment, or other places. If you would like to help out in this area, please contact Kathy Campian or the church office to be added to the list of available drivers.